(CHARLESTON, S.C.) May 20, 2011 — The National Golf Course Owners Association has developed policies to guide golf courses in deciding whether to contract with tee-time resellers like GolfNow, GolfHub and Groupon.
The policy was developed after inquiries by courses and criticism by industry analysts that resellers may boost rounds but reduce bottom-line profitability by driving down prices.
Here’s what the NGCOA said:
“The NGCOA’s role with respect to third party tee-time resellers is to provide information and education to its members so that they are aware of the key issues and can act in their best interests.
Golf courses should promote (individually and/or in groups) as many sales as possible directly through their own websites, pro shops, call centers and other outlets.
“If the golf course, using its own independent judgment, decides that it is in its business interest to engage the services of a third party reseller, the golf course should design plans and systems that position these resellers as supporting strategies, intended only to drive incremental business and fill in times of soft demand.
“Golf courses opting to use third party resellers should protect their business interests by utilizing best practices to manage their relationships with these entities.”